Thursday, September 10, 2009

Perchas y Cervezas

Hola amigos y familia!

It has been 5 days since I arrived in Barcelona and I am already having so much fun! We started class on Tuesday. I am taking 4 classes; Spanish for Business, International Marketing, International Business, and E-Commerce and Online Business. Sounds boring right?? But, I think they are going to be very interesting. The best part about my classes is that there are students from different countries. There are Germans, Swedens, and Chinese people is almost all my classes. Es muy interestante.

Besides classes, Brittany and I have had some adventures of our own. Our first little adventure we had was our quest to find perchas, or hangers. We only received 5 hangers each and, being girls, we have tons of clothes. There is a store here called El Corte Ingles and is like a Target on steriods. So naturally we thought they would have hangers. After walking about 20 minutes to get there and after searching through all 7 floors, we had no hangers. So we decided to start walking back and look for stores along the way they would maybe have hangers. We were so excited when we saw a store called "Perchas." We ran up to the door and, of course, it was
locked. Must have been a late ciesta porque their hours said they should have been open. Great. So we contiuned walking, getting distracted by a bakery and a jewelry store until we found ourselves back at our apartment. As we were about to go back home, the store directly next to our apartment door, caught our eye. It was called "Etc, etc, etc." We figured, why not look. Sure enough, they had hangers! RIGHT NEXT DOOR! haha.

Our next adventure was trying to get a beer bottle open with no bottle opener. Let's just say that belt buckles, key chains, and bed frames all don't work. Lesson learned: buy cans. See mom and dad, I am learning so much already :)
The picture to the left is of me and Brittany on our first night out in Barcelona! And luckly, in this picture we are both on our good sides! Perfect match!

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